

Perfect Timing Vol 1 PRINT

By Kim Dare

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Book Description
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You First

All Luke had to do was come after Justin. How difficult could that possibly be?

There was only one thing that stopped sex with Justin being completely perfect for Luke. The timing. That wasn't so perfect. In fact, the timing really sucked — and not in the fun, fellatio related way.

Justin was five years younger than Luke and relatively inexperienced. Luke had enjoyed more lovers than he could count or remember - he knew he was good at sex. There was no good reason why Justin should outlast him every time they hooked up.

All Luke had to do was come second, set his mind at ease, and everything would be perfect between them. Hell, if he could do that, he might even consider the serious relationship idea Justin seemed so taken with.

How difficult could that possibly be?


Time To Do

The words 'have sex with a man' can change everything, especially when they're written on a straight man's to do list.

Rigby and Brennan have been best friends forever. Growing up and going away to university didn't alter that. Brennan coming out of the closet to his straight best friend didn't change anything either.

But when Brennan finds an old to do list mixed in with his friend's possessions, and sees 'have sex with a man' written right there at the top, it alters everything. When Brennan realises the man he's in love with isn't as straight as he'd always thought he was, their friendship changes beyond all recognition.

When the friends decide it's time to start ticking off all the items on Rigby's gay to do list, they soon realise nothing will ever be the same - for either of them.

Reader Advisory: This book stands alone and does not have to be read as part of the series.

General Release Date: 5th October 2009

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Book Information
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ISBN: 978-1-907010-97-2
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 229

About the author
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Kim Dare

Kim Dare is a bisexual submissive from Wales (UK). First published in 2008, she has since released dozens of BDSM erotic romance titles ranging from short stories to full length novels.

While she occasionally enjoys writing other pairings, most of Kim's stories focus on Male/Male relationships. But, no matter what the pairing, from paranormal to contemporary, and from the sweet to the intense, everything she writes will always feature three things - Kink, Love and a Happy Ending. 

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Hearts on Fire

Despite the story's short length, the two main characters are fully developed and the emotional impact deeply felt. I loved their hot sex, their growing relationship and the humorous touches throughout...I...

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