

Campus Cravings: Part Three: A Box Set

By Carol Lynne

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Book Description
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Theron's Return

When a near tragedy calls thirty-seven year old Theron Demakis back to BK House, he is once again reunited with Michael Storm. For weeks, Theron has done his best to bed every woman he knows in an attempt to forget his errant feelings for the young college student. But it didn't work. Faced with caring for Michael, Theron wonders if he'll be able to put his feelings aside in the name of the Demakis family. Being the only bi-sexual son, it's up to him to continue the family name.

Twenty-three year old, Michael had given up on life. The one thing he wanted to live for was Theron. When Theron abandoned him to flee back to his safe heterosexual life in New York, Michael shut down completely.

Now Theron is back, and Michael is once again faced with something he can never have. Maybe settling for a short-term affair is better than never having Theron's arms around him again.


Live for Today

Life has been good for Justin Nelson. With a big bowl game mere weeks away, the pressure is on. For some men, being stretched in two different directions might become too much, but not for Justin, he thrives on it. Trying to balance life with his long-time partner, Luc, and his duty to the team gives Justin a rush like no other.

Luc Henley hates seeing the love of his life push himself. Every football season it seems to get worse as he watches Justin burn the candle at both ends. When he notices warning signs of a potential health problem, Luc begs Justin to slow down enough to see a doctor.

After he ignores his lover's pleas, Justin is suddenly faced with a life-changing illness, and when he gives up, it's up to Luc, Justin's friends and players to pull him back from the brink of despair.


Incoming Freshman

Three years ago, Chet Sloan left a promising job as Offensive Line Coach at the University of Arizona in an effort to put distance between himself and an Incoming Freshman. Bobby Ray Sikes first came to Chet's attention as a high school sophomore when he took his small Arkansas town's football team to a state championship. For two years Chet watched Bobby Ray Sikes play, knowing the boy was meant for greatness. When he recognized his feelings had grown from adoration to something more, Chet ran. In an effort to save his career and Bobby Ray Sikes's chance to one day go professional, Chet took a job at North Central Idaho University.

For three years, Bobby Ray Sikes played for a team he hated. Not only was he expected to act like the rest of the guys on the team, but the one man he'd agreed to play for had left him high and dry. After reading an article on BK House, a privately funded all-gay dormitory, in OUT magazine, he decides to do the unthinkable and transfer colleges his senior year.

Most coaches would be thrilled to learn a two time All American was transferring in to play ball for their team, but Chet's feelings for Bobby Ray Sikes haven't changed. Will he be forced to run again or can he coach the man he loves?


A Lesson Learned

Graduate student, Dane Jefferson, believes the sun rises with Magnus Sofokleous. He would do anything for the chance to get closer to the sexy professor. Unfortunately, Magnus is so busy researching the past, he doesn't take the time to live in the present.

One week before winter break, Magnus gratefully accepts a grant to further his research at Barrett House, a small plantation in Louisiana. With extenuating circumstances surrounding the grant, Magnus is forced to ask his assistant, Dane, to accompany him. Although Dane is qualified, the attraction Magnus feels for the younger man makes him uncomfortable.

Away from the rigors of academia, Magnus lets down his guard and quickly becomes sexually involved with Dane. In the past, Magnus used domination to protect himself against the weakness of love. When Dane doesn't accept the Dominate/submissive relationship Magnus has used as a shield for years, he is forced to decide which is more important, the lifestyle or the man in his arms.


Locky in Love

Born into an affluent family, Locky never faced a problem his family money couldn't fix. Everything changed the night he stumbled upon a young gay man beaten to death and left in the parking lot beside his car. Unable to get the image of the boy out of his head, Locky quit his father's law practice and took a job at BK House. Adapting to a new way of life is difficult, and it's made even more so by a raven-haired hottie who pushes every one of Locky's buttons.

College courses have been a breeze for junior, Becket Chandler. He's sailed through his classes with ease, despite their advanced subject matter. His love life, on the other hand, has been an ongoing struggle with no easy answers. While his former housemates enjoyed gaming, sports and drinking, Becket chose sex as his favourite extracurricular activity.

When Becket arrives at the BK House, he's ready to tackle another year and a few more willing seniors. Younger men are fun to play with from time to time, but nothing satisfies him like an older, bigger man staring down at him, preferably with Becket's legs spread and draped over his broad shoulders. From the moment he shakes hands with Locky, all he can think about is getting the drop-dead sexy Director of Student Life into his favourite position. Despite Becket's continued interest, Locky continues to play hard to get. Luckily, Becket doesn't give up easily.


Reader advisory: Locky in Love deals with the sensitive subject matter of rape. However, it is not in any graphic detail.

General Release Date: 4th February 2020

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-010-7
Word Count: 153,124
Language: English
Pages: 601

About the author
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Carol Lynne

An avid reader for years, one day Carol Lynne decided to write her own brand of erotic romance. While writing her first novel, Branded by Gold, Carol fell in love with the M/M genre. Carol juggles between being a full-time mother and a full-time writer. With well over one hundred releases, one thing is certain, Carol loves to keep busy writing sexy cowboys, shifters, bodyguards, vampires and everything in between. Although series books are her passion, Carol enjoys penning the occasional stand-alone title.

As founder and President of GRL Retreat, Inc., Carol helps organize the annual GayRomLit Retreat. Now in its sixth year, GayRomLit is an annual retreat that brings together the people who create and celebrate LGBT romance for a one-of-a-kind, must-attend gathering of dynamic, informal, and diverse fun. 

Carol loves to hear from her readers. You can take a look at her Website and follow her on Facebook. She also has a Website dedicated to her Cattle Valley Series.  


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