

Not Every Time

By Alexa Milne

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Book Description
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What would you give up for love?

Raziel Slade and Jack Hastings have been best friends since Raz saved Jack’s life twelve years ago. Jack has spent years searching for the perfect woman with the help of his wingman, Raz, the man he thinks of as his guardian angel. At a company Christmas party, the world Jack thought he knew turns on its axis, and feelings he didn’t know he had punch him right between the eyes. Can Jack learn to see his friend in an entirely different way?

Openly gay, Raz loves his best friend and has given up more than Jack will ever know to be with him, but he’s never dared to tell Jack how he truly feels, or to reveal his true identity. For twelve years, he has waited in the wings.

Now, with Jack’s sudden epiphany, can these two best friends work out if they have a future together?

General Release Date: 15th December 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-892-6
Word Count: 13,308
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 43

About the author
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Alexa Milne

Originally from South Wales, Alexa has lived for over forty years in the North West of England. Now retired, after a long career in teaching, she devotes her time to her obsessions.

Alexa began writing when her favourite character was killed in her favourite show. After producing a lot of fanfiction she ventured into original writing.

She is currently owned by a mad cat and spends her time writing about the men in her head, watching her favourite television programmes and usually crying over her favourite football team.


Reviews (8)
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  Reviewed by Multitasking Mommas

This is a best friends to lovers story and it is romantic as it is surreal and fairy tale like. What else is the best kind of read these holidays. This was intended to make the readers feel the thump...

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  Reviewed by Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews

There is a quality to this story that I couldn’t help loving. It has everything I look for in a novella. It’s impossible not to adore Raz and Jack. And the story kicks off running, getting s...

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News (1)
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Alexa Milne - Rainbow Book Reviews feature

Let's start with you telling us a little bit about yourself, Alexa.
I live in Lancashire in the north of England, though I’m originally from Wales. I’m over fifty. I was a teacher for thirty years, teaching a variety of humanities subjects. I love reading, cats, the sea, mountains, and genealogy.

What would people be most surprised to learn about you?

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