

The Stowaway

By Jade Archer

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Book Description
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Can one small stowaway teach two hardened warriors a lesson in life and love?

Arek and Devlynn were once part of one of the most vicious gangs of space pirates in the galaxy—the Fennrus Group. But when Arek's little brother was killed trying to follow in his footsteps, Arek quit. He walked away. And Devlynn went with him - having been devoted to the man since they were children. Unfortunately, no one leaves the Fennrus Group. None that live to tell the tale anyway. Forced to lay low if they are to survive, Arek and Devlynn find themselves doing supply runs between the most isolated agricultural communities in the galaxy just to scrape by. Which is how they end up with one small, feisty stowaway.

Having recently turned twenty-three, Rachel is facing what she considers the ultimate enslavement—an arranged marriage to two brothers from the neighbouring farming settlement of Thebia 3. So when she sees an opportunity to escape while waiting for her intended grooms at the local space port she seizes it with both hands. She wants freedom, adventure, the chance to visit every star in the night sky. What she gets is two stubborn, difficult, although admittedly gorgeous, ex-pirates with a temperamental space transport, a vicious past out to get them and little to no idea what to do with the feelings that simmer below the surface between them all.

Life with Arek and Devlynn is certain to be an adventure, provided they all survive long enough to enjoy it and Rachel can work a little magic that is.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of MF, MM and MMF sex and intimacy.

General Release Date: 8th August 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-617-4
Word Count: 30,653
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 89

About the author
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Jade Archer

Jade Archer was born in 2010 after a prolonged pregnancy and labour of over 34 years! I've decided she is about 24, enjoys long walks in the country because she does not have five kids and a husband to care for, eats as much chocolate as she wants because she never has to worry about putting on weight (must be all those long walks!) and can often be found planning her next whirlwind world tour or endlessly typing away (without any interruptions) on another hot and steamy erotic romance. It might be space pirates; it might be shifters or a lonely vampire with a hunger for the girl next door, one thing is for sure, she loves variety and cannot wait to meet the next characters destined to fall in love.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Inked Rainbow Reads

Together, they make a lusty, explosive group.  They complement each other and discover parts of each other that they only fantasized about.
This was very quick read, but it was full of...

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  Reviewed by Night Owl Romance Reviews

plenty of action and suspense in the plot...It's sexy and steamy...a very satisfying read and I highly recommend it, especially for those who enjoy a m/m/f menage.

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