

A Detour Home

By Devon Rhodes

Homecoming collection (Book #1)

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Book Description
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The road to love is never smooth, and when Jon pushes Cameron away with his demands, he thinks he's lost his chance forever.

Jon has held his love for Cameron in check, waiting for his late-blooming friend to grow up. Then one college summer working road construction, they are forced to share a bed, bringing them closer than ever before. The dark nights spent in each other's arms reveal their mutual attraction, but Jon pushes too far, too fast.

Cam has looked up to his best friend Jon for years and trusts him completely. He enjoys the gentle loving they share but when Jon wants to go further than he's ready for, Cam balks, and Jon's reaction costs them their friendship.

Years later, Cam needs a friend, and Jon returns home to lend his support. Has there been too much water under the bridge, or will they both finally be ready to embrace the love they once lost?

General Release Date: 8th February 2010

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-031-8
Word Count: 13,807
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 41

About the author
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Devon Rhodes

Devon started reading and writing at an early age and never looked back. At 39 and holding, Devon finally figured out the best way to channel her midlife crisis was to morph from mild-mannered stay-at-home mom to erotic romance writer. She lives in Oregon with her family, who are (mostly) understanding of all the time she spends on her laptop, aka the black hole.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Rainbow Reviews

A Detour Home" is not a long story and therefore I worried that it wouldn't be told with much depth or emotion, but it is...A Detour Home" is short, sweet, and sexy.

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