

Evan Sent

J.P. Bowie

Customer & Industry Reviews of Evan Sent

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  Review by Hearts on Fire

With this offering, J.P. Bowie easily kept my attention and provided a fulfilling evening of reading...  I liked the romance, that was fully shown, not just told, without silly breakups or contrived misunderstanding. All the conflicts were external and the added sub-plot suspense [...] was dramatic but not overly dramatized. It had a very fulfilling epilogue and left me all fuzzy over these two guys. I will be reading more of Mr. Bowie and I’d recommend this for fans of classic-style romances.

  Review by Love Bytes Reviews

This author is definitely no one trick wonder. His contemporary work is just as fabulous as his paranormal ones. His characters, dialog and storylines are just as engaging; the quality just as excellent... These characters and their life’s experiences are written in a way that makes you care about them... I absolutely loved this story from the first page to the last. The story is well written with the high quality you would expect from this author. I definitely recommend this book.

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