

Sacking the Quarterback

Carol Lynne

Customer & Industry Reviews of Sacking the Quarterback

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  Review by Two Lips Reviews

I can't get enough of this amazing author's work!

  Review by Nicole

5 out of 5! Recommended Read - Carol Lynne packs a punch in her wonderful stories. Her stories are full of emotion, suspense and passion that shoot off the charts.

  Review by Elka Priest

The third installment in this entertaining series. I love how each book has cameos of characters from previous books so we can keep in touch! Julian and Koby have a lovely relationship that is supportive and caring. Both Koby and Julian come from troubled families and are therefore able to relate to each others history and help the other heal. Ms Lynne is a wonderful writer who has given us 3 books, so far in this series, where one cannot help but feel that the two lovers belong together both emotionally and physically. I look forward to more.

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