

Tell Me Now

Jambrea Jo Jones

Customer & Industry Reviews of Tell Me Now

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  Review by Blackraven Reviews

...the sex scorching hot, demanding, yet tender and sweet...I will be raiding the talented Ms. Jones' backlist and looking forward to more stories from her.

  Review by Queer Magazine Online

If you're interested in stories about hot ex-military men, guys who learn to change their point of view and behavior and if you like lots of sex in your stories you will probably like this one.

  Review by Miz Love Loves Books

For a quick, delicious read that's heavy on romance and sensuality? You must read Tell Me Now. Highly recommended!

  Review by Whipped Cream Reviews

This is a sweet but hot short...

  Review by Literary Nymphs

a fantastic blend of humour and today's social gay issues...intimate scenes are enticing...

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