

In the News: Building Bonds

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Morticia Knight - Rainbow Book Reviews feature

Let's start with you telling us a little bit about yourself, Morticia.
I’m an insatiable reader and writer. I also love music and film, and have to have EDM (electronic dance music) playing while I write.

Morticia Knight - Divine Magazine Author of the Month

Where can you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

I’d love to be doing what I’m doing now times five. If that makes sense! I just want my writing career to continue on an upward path and to have the opportunity to meet my readers and fellow authors in different places around the world.

Morticia Knight - Sinfully Sexy Hot Pick

Building Bonds has been chosen as Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance's July Hot Pick!

Morticia Knight - Exclusive Author feature for Building Bonds

What can we expect from Building Bonds?

 As the first book in the Kiss of Leather series, Building Bonds introduces several characters who will subsequently get their stories told in later books. The principle ones are the three Doms who are opening the premiere Kiss of Leather BDSM club located in West Hollywood, near Los Angeles. 

Morticia Knight - Because Two Men are Better than One featured author

We are excited about the launch of Pride Publishing and to help celebrate their launch, will be introducing you to some of their fabulous authors each week. 

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