

Abigail Grey

An avid reader from the beginning, Abigail Grey was first introduced to romance novels as she snuck them from her mother's bookshelf. She was a writer even then, penning poems and stories that centered around her small town childhood. Life went on, and Abigail learned about the intricacies of BDSM and kink. She quickly married the two and began writing fantasies to keep people burning for more. After publication in a collection of short stories, Abigail was encouraged by her local book club to continue. 

Abigail lives in that small town in Western Michigan still, working and writing from home. She counts herself lucky to be named a leader in her local kink community and is often found at their own Sanctuary learning about rope, insertables, polyamory, and littles.  When not writing and reading, Abigail can be found at the local community theatre, fostering theatre geekhood in the younger generations.

You can take a look at Abigail's website and blog. You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and FetLife.

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This author also has books at Totally Bound

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Abigail Grey - BTS feature

You have an idea. This inspiration in your head that just won’t leave you alone is knocking on the inside of your skull and demanding to be written down. So you get it all out onto your page. The first person you share it with raves and says, “You should publish this!” Taking the bull by the proverbial tender bits, you send it into a publisher whose call for submissions seems perfect for your work.

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