

Pride Publishing Blog

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The Bookseller announces the launch of Pride Publishing

The Bookseller has announced Totally Entwined Group’s launch of Pride Publishing.           We are happy to announce that Pride Publishing has laun...
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Carol Lynne talks to us about being a Pride author!

Hi I'm Carol Lynne, and I am Pride Publishing's featured author for July! With the recent news of the Bonnier Group buying Totally Entwined, I decided to take a look back at my years with the e...
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Pride Publishing launches today!

  THE NEW HOME FOR THE FINEST ​GLBTQI FICTION LAUNCHES TODAY Pride Publishing, a new house from the Totally Entwined Group, best known for its flagship erotic romance publishing house...
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Street Team Reviewer: Tracy

  Thanks for joining us on the blog, Tracy! It’s my pleasure Charlotte. Please tell us a little about yourself... Hi most people know me as Tracy Gee. I live in North East Engla...
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Senior Editor Sarah chooses Blind Ride by BA Tortuga

Editors Choice: Blind Ride by BA Tortuga Blind Ride is the new gay Cowboy and Western release from BA Tortuga and is the first book in her Roughstock series. Set in the heat of Texas, BA...
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Publisher's Weekly features the launch of Pride Publishing

Publisher's Weekly have put together a feature that focuses on how GLBTQI romance novels are reaching readers on an ever-broadening spectrum.   Publisher's Weekly have spoken to Totally...
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Saddle up and enjoy the ride with these gay Cowboy and Western titles!

If you love stories about wild and sexy cowboys we are sure you’ll enjoy these smouldering M/M Western titles. Get ready to escape to the ranch and enter a world full of enticing men, lassos and...
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Totally Entwined Group becomes part of the Bonnier Publishing family!

Totally Entwined Group are pleased to announce that we are becoming part of the Bonnier Publishing family.     BONNIER PUBLISHING ACQUIRES TOTALLY ENTWINED GROUP - Publisher...
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Featured Bestseller: The Brick Yard by Carol Lynne

The Brick Yard by Carol Lynne As Carol Lynne is our featured Special Editions author for July, we thought we'd revisit one of our favourite titles from her backlist! Continue to explore...
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