

The Billionaire's Bribe PRINT

By Jambrea Jo Jones

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Book Description
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Remington knows not to date employees, but when his father throws down an ultimatum, everything changes. Elros only wants overtime but what he gets instead…

Remington doesn’t want a boyfriend. He’s content with his playboy behavior and extravagant lifestyle, but his father is pushing the issue and wants him to settle down. When an employee comes to him with a request for overtime, he decides to kill two birds with one stone. He can have a pretend boyfriend, which will make his father happy, and Remington will be able to keep his trust fund and the way of life that goes with it. What could go possibly wrong? He’s willing to find out.

Elros needs money—and fast. His boss offers him an opportunity—a bribe, really—to be his fake boyfriend in exchange for a nice-sized payment. Elros isn’t sure living a real-life soap opera is for him, but the money is too good to pass up when his mother has cancer and the bills are adding up faster than he can blink. Maybe playing pretend could work.

General Release Date: 3rd March 2020

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Book Information
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ISBN: 978-1-83943-857-8
Word Count: 59,790
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 243

About the author
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Jambrea Jo Jones

Jambrea wanted to be the youngest romance author published, but life impeded the dreams. She put her writing aside and went to college briefly, then enlisted in the Air Force. After serving in the military, she returned home to Indiana to start her family. A few years later, she discovered yahoo groups and book reviews. There was no turning back. She was bit by the writing bug.

She enjoys spending time with her son when not writing and loves to receive reader feedback. She's addicted to the internet so feel free to email her anytime.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Cynthia Osborne

What fun and delightful characters we have here in this book. Remi and Elros are good together but have a hard time figuring some stuff out. The ride Jambrea has taken us the readers on is amazing. Even...

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