

Knights and Butterscotch

By Faith Ashlin

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Book Description
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A story of modern-day knights, paint-splattered artists and a lightning bolt of attraction that hits hard enough to make a knight think he's going crazy. And then things get complicated.

The year is now, the place is somewhere like here but the feeling is very different. Matti Elkin is a modern-day knight and, while he may not have a horse or a suit of shining armour, he's brave and true, has a sense of duty and honour a mile wide and a passionate belief in his king.

There's a war on and the knights are fighting hard, but while on R&R Matti is hit hard with an overwhelming attraction for Jamie, a tall, handsome painter.

Jamie makes his head spin and his cock harden, and has him acting in ways that make him question his own sanity. But when the war takes an appalling turn, they are both thrown into a world of confusion that has them questioning everything they thought they knew.

General Release Date: 20th September 2013

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-459-5
Word Count: 63,081
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 166

About the author
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Faith Ashlin

When Faith was clearing out her attic many years ago, she found a book she'd written as a ten-year-old. On rereading it she realised that it was the love story of two boys. Over the years her fascination with the image of beautiful young men, coiled together as they fell head over heels in love, became a passion for her.

Since that first innocent book—written in purple sparkly pen—she has written many stories, set in varied worlds, but always with two men finding their way to happiness.

Still nothing much has changed because now she can be found in a daydream, wandering around the supermarket, or sitting in a meeting at work still dreaming up stories.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

I recommend this if you love alternative worlds where Knights still roam (in armor-plated vehicles), painters proving to be more than they first seem, hot sex in snatched moments, a love that can s...

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News (1)
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Faith Ashlin - Interview with Many Authors

Where are you from: London
A little about your self `ie your education Family life etc: I’m very boring. I live a boring life, in a boring place, doing boring things. But, although, I’m old enough to know better, I don’t really care what other people think as much as I used to – or maybe as much as I ought to. Finding writing and getting published feels very liberating. I’ve found a community of people that love the things I do.

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