

A Snow-Packed Proposal

By Jason Wrench

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Book Description
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Dale sets out to have the most magical proposal possible. When Mother Nature intervenes, Dale’s perfect plans go out the window. 


Reader advisory: This book contains characters from the Up on the Farm series.

General Release Date: 1st November 2022

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
Word Count: 9,396
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 38

About the author
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Jason Wrench

Jason Wrench is a professor in the Department of Communication at SUNY New Paltz and has authored/edited 15+ books and over 35 academic research articles. He is also an avid reader and regularly reviews books for publishers in a wide number of genres. This book marks his first full-length work of fiction.

Find out more about Jason at his website.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Debbie

If anyone has ever driven in snow they can completely understand that feeling of no control when sliding. I thought this story was a very love story.

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