

Capturing Perfection

Trina Lane

Customer & Industry Reviews of Capturing Perfection

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  Review by Amy Anastasopoulos

I loved this book! I can't wait for the next one!

  Review by Literary Nymphs

...a tender and heartwarming look at the renewed relationship of two men reunited after years of separation...It was also obvious she'd done her research...I appreciated the details and how they impacted the storyline.

  Review by Customer

The love between them is easy and natural, but it was actually a love waiting 16 years to blossom; so it's no surprise that when these two decide to finally talk, everything that seemed so impossible when they were in college, is now only a natural evolution in their relationship. Both Logan than Clay had other relationships in the past, and while they both admit they were never in love like with each other, they are not disowning what those relationships taught them, that being part of a couple make them complete.

  Review by Rainbow Book Reviews

Capturing Perfection is a story of bravery and determination in overcoming obstacles. It's an intense, romantic look at what is possible with unconditional love. “Capturing Perfection' captured my heart, and if you are a hopeless romantic like me

  Review by Whipped Cream Reviews

4.5 out of 5! Capturing Perfection is a compelling novel...Capturing Perfection by Trina Lane is a well written novel with a solid plot that delivers a wonderful, heartwarming love story.

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