

Love in G Minor

By Sean Michael

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Book Description
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Sometimes a third is exactly what a pair needs.

Stephen and Jack play a lot. These long-time lovers are constantly testing boundaries, fighting a delicious battle for control. When they meet young waiter Benji, they’re both intrigued. Such innocence doesn’t come along often and they decide Benji is the best thing on the menu.

Benji feels like he’s in over his head with this sophisticated pair, but it might be Stephen’s musical and artistic temperament that makes three a crowd. Can Jack and Stephen hit just the right note? Or will Benji end up out in the cold?

Publisher's Note: This book has previously been released elsewhere. It has been revised and re-edited for re-release with Pride Publishing.

General Release Date: 1st November 2016

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78651-477-6
Word Count: 24,724
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 83

About the author
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Sean Michael

Bestselling author Sean Michael is a maple-leaf-loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

Reviews (6)
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  Reviewed by Diverse Reader

Jack and Stephen are already a well established couple and they are quite a pair. They're rich, and dabble in light BDSM. They aren't, by societies standards, a typical couple. Which I think is why I...

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  Reviewed by Diverse Reader

I do love me some menage! It's by far one of my most favorite tropes. In Love in G Minor we have... duh, 3 MC's. Jack and Stephen are already a well established couple and they are quite a pair. They'...

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