


By Kayleigh Sky

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Book Description
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Struggling to survive in a deadly new world, Brey Jamieson soon discovers that the man who holds his heart might not be willing to set it free.

A universal vaccine eradicates all known viruses from the human population, but in the wake of this miracle, a deadly new virus suddenly surfaces. As the death toll rises, people riot in panic and civilization collapses.

Brey Jamieson, a convicted felon, is suddenly set loose in this violent new world. Desperate to reunite with his family, he sets out on a journey across the country but is captured by a brutal man who plans to sell him into slavery.

Hank Kresnak is a cop in the new world. It is his job to preserve the law. But when he sees Brey, his belief in everything he has built his new life on begins to crumble. Memories of a dark and terrible time reawaken. He was the cop who arrested Brey, and with one look into Brey’s eyes, he knew his life would never be the same. He was a married man with two daughters, but he couldn’t forget a man he barely even knew. Now his wife and daughters are gone, and he must struggle to save the man of his dreams from a nightmare fate.

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of violence and reference to rape.

General Release Date: 28th July 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-645-8
Word Count: 76,539
Language: English
Book Length: SUPER NOVEL
Pages: 232

About the author
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Kayleigh Sky

Kayleigh Sky is a writer of M/M erotica romance.

Kayleigh’s stories are tales of struggle and pain, loss and despair. Love is won in the battle to rise out of the depths of darkness. Victory is in the sweet bliss of happily ever after.

Once upon a time, Kayleigh hid out in a cold, dark garage reading a book her parents had just told her she wasn’t old enough to read. She was nine. The book? Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin, a story of love between two men—well, actually the story was a little more complicated than that, but hey, she was nine

And then? A light, a passion, a sheer joy for love in all its manifestations awoke.

And love between two men—hot!

Kayleigh’s men are often broken, always brave and always memorable.

You can take a look at Kayleigh's website and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


Reviews (4)
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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

This story has a twist that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The characters were well-developed and had a lot of depth to them. Their world was also well-developed and pulls you in. It caugh...

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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

This story has a twist that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The characters were well-developed and had a lot of depth to them that has you falling in love with them. Their world was also well-...

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News (2)
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Kayleigh Sky - Pride Publishing blog feature

Goodbye, My Loves!

It took a couple of days after finishing the edits on Backbone and clicking on SEND before it really sank in that the book was done. At least the writing part of it. I wouldn’t be living in Brey and Hank’s world anymore. Surprisingly, that made me sad. I loved my guys. But, in another way, it was also somehow fitting for it to end as quietly as it had begun.

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Kayleigh Sky - BTSe Mag feature

I know what it’s like to feel trapped in a life I absolutely ache to escape. A lot of you probably know what I mean. We get up, work, slog through our chores, close out the day, then start all over again. A lot of us are lucky to have a life like this though.

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