

Yin and Yang

By Edward Kendrick

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Book Description
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Two men—Kenyon a street cop, and Teo a social worker—come together as they try to help a seven-year-old boy abandoned by his mother.

Neal, a young boy abandoned on the streets by his mother, is found by policeman Kenyon Hagerty and instantly bonds with him. Social worker Teo Marino becomes involved when the boy is placed in the care of Human Services. Soon after, the body of Neal’s murdered mother is discovered then later Neal’s father tries to kidnap him from the kids’ home.

Kenyon is a man looking for real love, while Teo is the consummate playboy, going from one man to another as the spirit moves him. And yet these two men, truly yin and yang, are drawn together. It takes a misunderstanding to force them to face their feelings for each other.

When Neal runs away looking for Kenyon—who he believes will adopt him—the two men must make a decision regarding Neal’s life—and their own. 

Publisher's Note: This book was previously released by another publisher. It has been revised and re-edited for release with Totally Bound Publishing.

General Release Date: 8th August 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-136-1
Word Count: 36,741
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 118

About the author
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Edward Kendrick

Born and bred Cleveland, I earned a degree in technical theater, later switched to costuming and headed to NYC. Finally seeing the futility of trying to become rich and famous in the Big Apple, I joined VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), ending up in Chicago for three years. Then it was on to Denver where I put down roots and worked as a costume designer until just recently.

I began writing a few years ago after joining an online fanfic group. Two friends and I then started a group for writers where they may post any story they wish no matter the genre or content. Since then, for the last three years, I've been writing for publication. Most, but not all, of my work is m/m, either mildly erotic or purely 'romantic', and more often than not it involves a mystery or covert operations.


Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

This book is full of charming interesting characters. The storyline is intriguing with some mystery and a bit of drama. The sexual tension between Teo and Kenyon was hot. There was a bit of hint at so...

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  Reviewed by GGR Review

This relationship develops slowly, each man reluctant to take anything beyond a casual friendship. I especially liked this about Yin & Yang: it felt real, genuine in a way too many rom...

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News (1)
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Edward Kendrick - 3 Things for USA today

Three books on my keeper shelves:

• The Last Herald-Mage by Mercedes Lackey. This book was my first introduction to fantasy, Valdemar, and Ms. Lackey. It was also the first time I'd read anything involving gay characters. I was enthralled by Vanyel's story — how he dealt not only what he was and how he became a Herald but with his acceptance that he could love another man. It is a book (a compilation of the three Vanyel stories) that I have reread often.

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