

Size Matters

By Sean Michael

What's His Passion? collection (Book #5)

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Book Description
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Trey is a natural submissive, but no one wants to take on a blind man. When Trey and Lucien hit it off, it could be the answer to Trey’s prayers.

When Lucien meets his favorite author at a book signing, he's surprised to discover the man is not only blind, but much younger than he’d expected. He’s even more surprised to discover that Trey shares a passion of his—BDSM.

Trey loves his life as a horror mystery writer, but it is a lonely one. Immediately drawn to Lucien, he’s surprised and intrigued when Lucien ferrets out his interests in certain aspects of BDSM right from the start.

Is Lucien exactly who Trey’s been waiting for, or is it too good to be true?



General Release Date: 18th July 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-123-1
Word Count: 14,945
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 56

About the author
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Sean Michael

Bestselling author Sean Michael is a maple-leaf-loving Canadian who spends hours hiding out in used book stores. With far more ideas than time, Sean keeps several documents open at all times. From romance to fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi, Sean is limited only by the need for sleep—and the periodic Beaver Tail.

Sean fantasizes about one day retiring on a secluded island populated entirely by horseshoe crabs after inventing a brain-to-computer dictation system. Until then, Sean will continue to write the old-fashioned way.

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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews

This little story is about how Trey and Lucien first meet and start a relationship. From there things get wicked sexy when they get back to Trey’s home. There are minor BDSM themes in this book. But t...

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  Reviewed by Fallen Angel Reviews

Size Matters by Sean Michael is a delightful little short. Trey might be blind, but he knows what he wants; he’s just not entirely sure how to get it. Lucien has that covered...

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