

Constant Exclusive

Pride Publishing talks to Megan Slayer about her new release, Constant.

What can we expect from Constant?

This is the story of two men realizing they aren’t so different after all. There are ups, downs and hot sex included. Roddy needs to relax and the only way he can is with Vegas at Darkness, but a television personality isn’t supposed to visit a BSDM club. Unless the personality is Roddy. He’s unashamed. Vegas has his own complexities that are revealed in the story. Once he peels back all of his layers, he’s worried Roddy won’t want to stick around. Things could get messy, but that’s how Roddy and Vegas like it.


Roddy and Vegas never planned to fall in love. Are these your favourite kind of romances to write?

I love to write second chance romance. There’s something about taking a broken person and finding the perfect mate for that person. We’ve all got the potential to love and be loved, but it’s finding the person that makes us whole that’s the journey. That’s why I like writing romance in general. I get to give people a happy ending which may not always happen in real life.


Much of the story revolved around the fetish club, Darkness. Can readers expect some fetish themes?

Absolutely. I got to explore knife play for this book. I never thought I would because I’m not a fan of blood, but once I got to know the ins and outs of the actual play, it intrigued me. There is spanking, knife play, bondage, anal play and minor degradation in this book, but always there is consent and the characters can say no.


You have based a story on the same principles in the past in your story Permanent, why have you chose to revisit this?

I liked the television theme from Permanent. The story involved people who worked at a news station. Choosing to write about only one character from that in Permanent was fun, but there was a whole building full of characters that needed their stories told. Roddy, one of the compassionate characters from Permanent, deserved his happy ending and I wanted to tell his I did.

By going back to the world of Permanent, it’s like revisiting old friends. I knew I wasn’t done in that world and had more to tell. I’m glad I did.


How did you get into writing erotic romance?

When I started writing, I knew I wanted to write happy endings. Then came the second chance romances. The characters I’d come up with all had messy pasts in one way or another. They needed that opportunity to make the world right—at least for them. The plan to write erotic romance happened when I wrote my first book and the characters refused to keep the bedroom door closed. I tried to shut it, but they insisted. You can’t argue with characters, so I didn’t. I’m glad I didn’t. For me, writing hot and erotic is liberating. I get to investigate things I wouldn’t have otherwise had the inclination to investigate (Knife play) and I’ve met some wonderful friends. It’s been the best choice ever.


What can we expect from you next with Pride Publishing?

Next year I’ve got a full-length novel, an addition to the What’s His Passion? line, entitled, Wild Card. It’s definitely an erotic romance, but m/m. One character is in the porn industry but wants to make mainstream movies. The other is a casting director for said mainstream films. The casting couch doesn’t come into play in this story—I didn’t want to be cliché—but there is some white hot voyeurism involved. I can’t wait until next year when the book is released. 


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