

Walkin' After Midnight

By Hank Edwards

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Book Description
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Floyd has trouble staying interested in men, but meeting Gavin changes everything. Until Floyd learns his boss is dating Gavin. Now Floyd wants him even more.

Floyd Burland tends bar at Dudebaker’s, one of the city’s hottest nightspots. He’s something of a serial dater, but nowhere near as bad as his boss, club owner Shawn Frost. Floyd is trying to figure a way out of an entanglement with Trevor, a Dudebaker’s bus boy, when Gavin Hunt steps into his life. Handsome, outgoing, and just Floyd’s type, Gavin is there to talk with Shawn about a singing gig.

On a moonlit night, Floyd discovers Gavin in the club’s parking lot with a car that won’t start. He walks Gavin home and, during their conversation, Floyd realises he could very easily fall in love with the man. Later, however, Shawn begins to brag that he and Gavin are dating, and Floyd, in a rash moment of jealousy, kisses Trevor the bus boy right in front of Gavin. Soon everyone is pointing fingers and demanding answers, and before Floyd can even try to fix things between him and Gavin, the singer leaves town to pursue his dream of cutting an album.

Will Floyd follow his own dream and pursue Gavin in an effort to win him back? Will Gavin even give him the time of day if Floyd shows up at his door?

Reader Advisory: This story has been previously released as part of the 50s Mixed Tape anthology by Totally Bound Publishing.

General Release Date: 10th January 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78184-898-2
Word Count: 13,092
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 42

About the author
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Hank Edwards

Hi all! I was born and raised in the Motor City, Detroit, Michigan. I have been writing for as long as I can remember, and after publishing short stories with erotic magazines such as Bear, American Bear, and 100% Beef, I published my first novels, the Charlie Heggensford Stories series, still available through Lethe Press. After that, I published through Loose Id and Wilde City Press, and now am happy to be a Total E-Bound author.

I love suspense thrillers and romantic comedies, but have found myself leaning more into paranormal these days. I met my partner on a gay bowling league seventeen years ago and we live together with our two cats in a northwest suburb of Detroit.

Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by MM Good Book Reviews


I really liked this story. I found all the characters intriguing and interesting, especially Gavin.


I did find the story very heartfelt and sweet. A player...

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  Reviewed by Rainbow Book Reviews

If you like stories about men who tend to mess everything up because they are a little more cowardly than they'd like to admit to themselves before they finally man up, if you enjoy dramatic scenes with...

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