

Realm of Passion

By Courtney Breazile

Sexy Snax collection (Book #109)

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Book Description
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Irresistible magic in a tempting body.

Callie's body is the perfect hiding place for the magic of the fairy realm. Malia is the perfect guard for her body against the demons determined to have the magic for themselves. Malia can't resist the magic—it calls to her—and Callie's body is as close as she can get to it. Surprised to find the body so welcoming, Malia refuses to give it up once she has it.

Is their attraction enough to break the rules of the fairy realm?

General Release Date: 9th April 2012

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-938-0
Word Count: 16,654
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 47

About the author
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Courtney Breazile

I read, write and soak up the sun…well, as much as possible in the cold north of Idaho. I live with my beautiful daughter and fat cat. I write for the pleasure it brings me and hope that it will bring as much pleasure to whoever reads it.

Reviews (1)
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  Reviewed by Ecata Sensual Reviews


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